Tuesday, April 1, 2025

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  • Web-based Solutions

The LiMAP (Light and Interactive MAPping on-line) is the GeoViet Consulting solution for WebGIS. Based on combination of Adobe Flash technology and XML schema, LiMAP maintains direct and flexible geodatabase access, while GIS Services capacity such as visualization and spatial querying were retained. As an extra-compact, efficient and inexpensive solution, LiMAP is potentially applicable for distributed geographic information applications either as standalone or as part of a complete on-line GIS application. The LiMAP 1.0 (2007) was piloted for the Nam Mau commune forest map (Bac Kan province) and currently uploaded on our Web-mapping demo page. The integration into a Web-based management system for commune-level maps DBMS of the Lai Chau province is currently under development.

The LiMAP 2.0 (2008) was developed and incorporated as the core mapping application of forest fire hotspots for the Vietnam FireWatch system and of the forest fire warning maps for the Forest Fire Early Warning System based on operational daily meteorological observations data.

Currently, GeoViet Consulting continues research and development of integrated WebGIS solutions based on opensource systems of OpenLayers and PostGIS as Maps API for prospective applications of Web-based Spatial DBMS or Web Mapping such as Vietnam Development Mapping, which will be posted soon.

For more detailed information, please contact us.