GIS Handbook in urban infrastructure planning and management in Vietnam
Agriculture Publishing House, Hanoi, 2012.
Vietnamese, 190 pages.
Download (Introduction & TOC in Vietnamese only).
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Scientific Papers and Technical Reports:
GIS-IDEAS 2016: Integrating GIS and Spatial Statistics to study Hanoi’s Urban Structure and Housing Market (
GIS-IDEAS 2016: Using Multi-sensor Remote Sensing and WebGIS to monitor Deforestation in Dak Nong Province during 2010-2016
GIS applications in urban infrastructures management (
GIS-based management of urban trees and green spaces in Vietnam cities (
Assessment with satellite data of the urban heat island effects in Asian mega cities... (Read more >>)
Roles of growth centers in regional development: a case study in Northern Thailand (
Spatial Analysis and GIS applied to study the urban-rural linkage in the Chiang Mai - Lamphun area, Thailand... (Read more >>)
Remote Sensing and GIS to study the Sub-Urbanization Dynamics: A case study in Northern Bangkok, Thailand (
Remote Sensing to Assess Regional Climatic Effects of Urban Expansion in Northern Bangkok, Thailand (
Integration of socio-economic and environmental data for regional studies... (Read more >>)
Utilizing MODIS data for studying agricultural seasonal patterns (
MODIS data acquisition and utilization for forest fire management in Vietnam (
MODIS applications in environmental change researches in the Southeast-Asian region (
Utilizing MODIS data for agricultural drought monitoring (
Developing a Flash-based tool for GIS applications on the Web (
In addition, GeoViet Consulting is maintaining a library of scientific and technical reports as products of successfully completed projects on remote sensing, GIS, geo-informatics applications in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, water resources, environmental assessment, climate change research and urban management…
For further information on GeoViet's full range of scientific and technological reports, products and prices, please contact us.

Consulting Reports:
Vietnam National Public Procurement Assessment Report 2012 - Under Pillar I of OECD/DAC Baseline Indicators (BLI) (Co-author with Peter Trepte).
Grant Financing for Viet Nam: Past Experiences and Vision in the New Development Context.
Mapping Report: Reviewing and Analyzing SPGs / ISGs to Strengthen National Aid Architecture.
Mapping Aid Effectiveness Initiatives of AEF Stakeholders / Constituencies – Phase I.
Paris Declaration / Hanoi Core Statement Phase 2 Evaluations - Viet Nam Country Evaluation (Co-author with Marcus Cox, Nguyen Thi Hanh & Dao Nhat Dinh).
Vietnam National Public Procurement System Assessment Report - BLI 2008.
M&E by Local Governments in Vietnam: Issues, Problems and Ideas for Improvement.
M&E Reports on Implementation of Hanoi Core Statement on Aid Effectiveness, including M&E framework, survey results, progress review and recommendations in: "PGAE/AEF reports to mid-CGs and annual CGs 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 & 2011".
Vietnam Country Report 2008 (with data worksheet) for the 2nd monitoring of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.
Consolidated Report of the 2008 HCS Monitoring Surveys for Mid-term Review (including government surveys at national and sub-national levels).
Vietnam Country Report 2006 (with data worksheet) for the 1st monitoring of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.
M&E Framework and Mechanisms for Implementation of the Hanoi Core Statement (HCS) on Aid Effectiveness.
Consolidated Report of the 2006 HCS Baseline Surveys.
Vietnam - Results and Lessons Learned on Applying the OECD/DAC methodology for Assessment of National Public Procurement Systems (Version 4) in 2007.
Outline of a System for Monitoring and Evaluating Vietnam’s Public Procurement Performance and Outcomes.
M&E Strategy for the Strengthening Environmental Management and Land Administration (SEMLA) programme.
Please contact us if you are interested in our consulting reports and research findings.