In association with universities and research institutes, GeoViet Consulting is conducting joint science and technology research projects and at the same time, providing professional and academic advisory to their graduating and research students. Research focus of GeoViet Consulting includes:
Integration of remote sensing, GIS and spatial statistical analysis in urban studies, including: (i) urban growth monitoring and assessment of urbanization impacts, (ii) urban heat islands and urban environment, (iii) urban green development.
Research on effects of climate changes, environmental changes and/or extreme weather phenomena on: (i) infrastructure network, (ii) water resources, (iii) agriculture and forestry; (iv) biodiversity, (v) environmental health, and (vi) urban safety…
Applications of socio-informatics in assessment of sectoral / regional development policies.
For more detailed information, please contact us.

Inter-disciplinary Consultancy:
GeoViet provides value-added geospatial information on natural resources, environment, land and infrastructures and integrated / intelligent solutions to support governments, localities and private organizations in analyzing problems, defining priorities and formulating informed policies / programs for actions. With an active network of associate experts and in partnerships with relevant institutions, GeoViet Consulting provides inter-disciplinary consultancy services on:
Strategic spatial planning: Building comprehensive national, regional and provincial information systems to support governments, localities, private organizations and communities in analyzing problems and options, and in defining priorities for action. The emphasis is on knowledge generation fro decision making from the integration of spatial and socio-economic information.
Urban environmental planning and management: Providing GIS-based approach and solutions to support incorporating environment consideration into urban planning and in support of the management of the environmentally-sound urban plans, which also well adapted to climate changes.
Inter-disciplinary natural resources planning and management: Advising governments and localities on integrated approach and providing effective and practical tools in planning and management of land and natural resources, especially relating to integrated water resources management, groundwater, forest, ocean and protected areas management…
Disaster risk assessment and management: Surveying and developing integrated information systems based on latest remote sensing, GIS and GNSS technologies in support for disaster risk assessment and disaster management in response to natural hazards and disasters in relation to large constructions and highly populated areas.
Environmental assessment and environmental planning: Developing, piloting and implementing systems for environmental management at national and sub-national levels, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in urban planning and development investment projects with support of data surveys, comprehensive integrated GIS databases and effective analytical tools.
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): Research on CDM and CDM project developement potentials, conduct feasibility studies and development of CDM projects in the fields of solid waste and waste water treatment, brick & ceramic production, power generation and transmission, transportation and forestry...
Geo-informatics Consultancy: Providing geo-informatics consultancy services including: (i) status survey, GIS needs assessment for organizations, businesses and project forrmulation, (ii) oversighting and implementing geo-informatics projects, (iii) geo-informatics solutions (e.g., GIS system set-up, system integration and upgrading existing GIS systems...), (iv) geo-informatics capacity building, and (v) professional advices and seconded individual consultants to organizations, businesses and projects on request… Read more >>
For more detailed information, please contact us.