Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Hệ CSDL không gian trên nền Web

The web-based national water supply and environmental sanitation sector assessment database (WSSAP) is designed and developed to manage and provide online information on drinking-water and sanitation coverages nationwide as well as its impacts on environment, health and quality of life. With data entry / conversion, data management and integration, report compilation and online maps generation functions, the WSSAP provides support for regular bi-annual WSS Sector Assessment as well as assists the monitoring of MDGs and VDGs on water supply and environment sanitation.

The current version with assessment data conducted in 2011 is being test-operated at

For more detailed information, please contact us.

The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Investment Information Page is designed, developed and operated as a Web-based database with online data collection, data conversion and integration, report generation and web-mapping functions. The main objective is to support the RWSSP CU in coordinating partners’ efforts in the sector as well as in sharing information on clean water and sanitation coverages in rural areas, investment levels and investment effectiveness to concerned international and domestic stakeholders and the public... The current version ( is updated with the nationwide investment (for RWSS) information from 2005 – 2010 breaking down by investment areas and management agencies. The system is currently updated and completed…

For more detailed information, please contact us.

The National Environmental Health Database (NEHD) is designed to manage and provide comprehensive and reliable environment health (EH) information online to relevant agencies for various management tasks at national and sub-national levels. With data entry, data consolidation, data management, report generation and mapping functions, the NEHD system maintains the set of EH indicators to present the changing states of development dynamics, pressures, exposures and impacts on human health. The current version with piloted data of the Phu Tho and Nam Dinh provinces is operated on intranet of the Center for Consultancy and Environmental Technology (VEPA, MONRE).

For more detailed information, please contact us.

Bộ công cụ điều tra theo dõi trên nền Web

The Web-based M&E Database System (HPAI) is designed and developed to support "The Government-UN Joint Programme to Fight Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (JP)" in planning, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and learning to ensure overall quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the JP and disseminating JP results to concerned stakeholders and the public. The HPAI system is currently installed and operated online at, which includes online AHI data collection, data compilation, report generation functions and interactive web mapping of AHI outbreaks as well as response capabilities of local authorities over the country... The system can be further developed into a National Information System on Avian and Human Influenza.

For more detailed information, please contact us.

The Web-based HCS / PD Monitoring Tool for Vietnam is an online information management application for monitoring the implementation of the Hanoi Core Statement (HCS) and Paris Declaration (PD) on Aid Effectiveness. The Tool - now operated by the Foreign Economic Relations Department (MPI) - is designed to administer the harmonized HCS / PD monitoring surveys on-line for active donors and selected government agencies. With online survey, data entry, survey response consolidation, report compilation and progress tracking functions, the Tool provides a means for maintaining the web-based database of monitoring indicators (at portfolio level) and disseminating the progress in implementing HCS / PD to development partners, CSOs and the public.

For more detailed information, please contact us.